Remote Software Design Engineer at Elite Software Automation | WeWorkRemotely
Job Description
(Remote, Full-Time, Anywhere in the World)Starting Pay: USD $50-100K/yr
Exact offer will be formulated based on your demonstrated skills and abilities at the time of hiring process evaluation, taking into account both development and design skills. Further pay promotions are available based on performance once on the job, with exceptionally good performance enabling promotion substantially beyond the above range.
Elite Software Automation (ESA) is a company that makes custom software solutions for fast growing enterprises with detailed business processes. The purpose of these solutions is to run intricate and highly detailed processes of our clients, and boost their business process efficiency with error minimization, process automation, and other business process enhancements.
These solutions are composed of internal systems (such as CRM, ERP or other systems heavily customized and extended by us), integrated with the external systems (such as client portals) and various custom backend connections that allow interaction with external parties as needed. Our tech stack is largely based on React and Typescript (the knowledge of which is required for this role as well).
Our solutions are completely custom to each client and have a lot of custom functionality in them. To deliver such solutions with high quality and high efficiency, our organization has developed very specific processes for how we run our development operation and very specific back-end and front-end toolkits to reuse functionalities and utilities and to minimize unnecessary development work for each client.
The Role of Software Design Engineer is a technical solution design role within ESA. This role is reserved only for very technically skilled individuals with software development background and the actual ability to build quality working software, and an established familiarity in ESA’s core tech stack based around React and Typescript. Having developed software design skills and experience will be a major plus for any candidate coming in for this role, but is secondary to technical software development abilities. Our methodology relies on skilled developers with real software building experience to design our complex and functional software solutions.
Software Design Engineers on ESA team work together with the business process experts who make decisions on how the business processes of our clients need to be re-organized, re-engineered, digitized, and automated. The business process experts are responsible for the business operations and business decisions side of the matter, while the Software Design Engineers are responsible for the software functionality, design, and assuring technical implementation of a software solution that will effectively address business process requirements of the business process experts. The Software Design Engineers concept, architect, detail out, wireframe, and oversee the full functional and technical design of the software solutions. Much of the technical implementation is handled by our software development team composed of front-end and back-end software engineers, as well as QA engineers, but Software Design Engineers assure successful implementations and iterate them as needed to serve the needs of successful operation of these software solutions in our clients’ businesses.
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Tech Used
We make very intricate custom solutions and service a large number of enterprises. Over the years we have developed a very tailored tech stack to enable us to efficiently create and advance ready solutions that are both highly custom to each client’s business while also being very featureful and efficient to design, develop, maintain, and iterate:
– Custom Front End Development (custom portals, custom internal systems, custom interfaces, custom back-end automations, etc)
- React with Material UI and our custom components (Typescript is used heavily)
- Graphql based backend services
- REST based backend services
- Our reusable toolkits (see below)
- – Reusable toolkits for our operation (common reusable functionalities, common generic business functionalities, common integrations, self-developed toolkits to speed up development and QA process, etc)
- Custom back end and front-end toolkits developed in reusable format that we deploy across projects for reusable functionalities
- Customized database toolkit forked on top of open source NocoDB with enhanced automatically generated endpoints and enhanced toolkits for developing and QAing any interactions with the database.
- Customized back-end flow toolkit for internal use forked on top of fair code N8N with enhanced endpoints toolkit accessible to front-end – very useful for developing and QA’ing background workflows efficiently.
- Customized scheduling toolkit forked from
- Other internally developed toolkits
- – Third Party Systems we tightly integrate with:
- Zoho Platform (CRM, Desk, Books), heavily customized for each project
- these solutions are often part of our central systems solutions, and their platforms allow to use some of their out of the box functionalities, while being able to extensively customize the UI and embed custom components and interfaces into them, they are extremely customizable while providing some useful business features, which is why we use them;
- Quickbooks
- Twilio
- Sendgrid
- Stripe,
- Anvil document automation toolkit
- Oystehr healthcare backend services
- Others, as needed to meet the needs of particular client industries, and any other needs we may have.
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The main trait required for this job is the ability to build something that works and successfully meets the specific business requirements. Our typical Software Design Engineer is either someone who is already doing a similar job right now (and maybe not being credited for it) or someone who has been working as a software developer but who wants to go beyond that and really make a difference in how software is designed, instead of just implementing what was designed by someone else. If you are a developer with the ability to grasp the bigger picture, but in your current job you frequently feel frustrated by bad or missing requirements, by designs with low quality standards, or that fail to consider all usage scenarios, and otherwise not being optimal, then you might be the right person for this job.
The Software Design Engineer is:
- A builder, with intricate commercial experience of software development, understanding how it works, common software development concepts such as REST APIs, typecasting, synchronous and asynchronous execution, cache invalidation, etc., and can actually build a working software solution from the ground up.
- A critical thinker, who uses logic and rational thought in the analysis of business requirements, understanding the big picture as well as the finer details, and who relies on data to make decisions, asking questions when needed, instead of resorting to guesswork.
- A problem solver, who can split big problems into smaller, manageable chunks, and who doesn’t get stuck on seemingly unsolvable problems, always finding practical, simple, feasible, effective and efficient solutions.
- Someone with a knack for software design, who can conceptualize functionality to meet business goals and communicate how this can be accomplished by designing user flows, low-fidelity wireframes, flow charts, etc., as well as specifying all the technical requirements for the implementation of the solution.
- NOT a business analyst: won’t write business requirements.
- NOT a “solutions architect”: won’t design vague “solution architectures”, instead will design highly detailed and intricate solutions, detailing all intricate front-end and back-end functionality.
- NOT a salesman: won’t sell software nor have direct contact with customers.
- NOT a UX Researcher: won’t interview stakeholders nor run user research.
- NOT a UX/UI designer: knowledge of basic UX and UI principles is required, but the job is much more than just making wireframes or prototypes.
- Perform critical analysis of business requirements and business processes provided by our team of business process experts.
- Develop a thorough understanding of the problem and scope of the solution.
- Strategize the time and effort required for the implementation of the software solution and use that to construct designs that optimize for faster build-out while also meeting its requirements most effectively.
- Conceptualize a feasible, effective and efficient solution, balancing business goals, user goals, cost, time, and any other constraints.
- Perform a rigorous technical analysis of how a technically efficient and feasible solution should be built, which includes things like Database analysis, APIs analysis, external systems testing, proof of concepts construction and testing, validation of feasibility, and other intricately technical
- Design and document all aspects of the solution:
- Design and document the general architecture of the solution as a whole, conceptualizing its technical components and various integrations.
- Design and document User Flows for all user-facing functionality.
- Design all back-end flows and document them in flowcharts and other representations.
- Define all the technical specifications required to implement all functionalities and automations.
- Design low-fi wireframes for all user interfaces (your low-fi wireframes should be good enough to be used by developers in implementing the solution, in very rare cases high fidelity wireframes may need to be made but we almost always rely on low-fi wireframes in all of our operations).
- Create state diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, flow charts, and any other technical specifications that might be required to communicate the technical requirements of your solution properly.
- Collate all the designs, specifications, requirements, and other documentation and hand them over to the Development Team for implementation.
- Assist the Development Team and the QA Team in developing, testing, and deployment.
- Actively participate in the implementation and assure the end goal of deploying a production-grade, fully functional, and efficient solution that meets all of the specified business requirements.
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Requirements for Candidates for this Role
- Practical and commercially successful Software Development experience in building working and successfully implemented software that is in active use in real world business operations;
- Professional knowledge and successful experience with front-end development, back-end and full-stack development, databases, APIs, and all other key software development concepts;
- Specific and strong experience with and knowledge of React and Typescript – this is required due to Elite Software Automation’s tech stack, in this job you will sometimes find yourself working as a developer in our development team, and you must be fully capable of what our developers are capable of with our stack;
- Understanding of what this job is and having genuine desire and interest in utilizing your skills and experience in a Software Design Engineer capacity is required;
- Experience with either designing software from the ground up or with developing complex software effectively while not being given a detailed design that somebody else made (in effect coming up with design of your software while building it and working from only vague business-side-only requirements) in your past career is also required.
- Ability and willingness to work extremely hard. This is a very difficult job. It is also likely that it will require a lot of fast on-the-job learning for you to become good at it. If you get this job, it might be one of the hardest jobs in your life, you must be prepared for that.
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